Automic Version 12.3 Release – My Personal Highlights
Broadcom Automic Version 12.3 has been released. Here are my 5 personal highlights of the release.
Broadcom Automic Version 12.3 has been released. Here are my 5 personal highlights of the release.
Sieh dir die Aufzeichnung des Webinars an, in dem ich meine Membership Seite vorstelle. Die Sammlung aus Tutorials, Kursen und Tools ist bald verfügbar.
Watch the recoring of the webinar where i present the new membership page. It will be a collection of courses, tools and tutorials. Recording is in German.
In this guest post, Joel Wiesmann explains what the Automic REST API is, what it does, and how you can use it.
In diesem Gastartikel erklärt Joel Wiesmann was die Automic REST API ist, was sie kann und wie man sie benutzt.
Am 28. Juni stelle ich in einem Webinar mein neues Projekt "Philipp Elmer Membership" vor. Sei dabei und erfahre, was es damit auf sich hat.
I invite you to join my Webinar on June 28, where I present my new project: "Philipp Elmer Membership". I will present, what it is, how it will work, and when it will happen.
In this video, I show how automation changes over time and how you can react to new requirements.
In diesem Video zeige ich, wie sich eine Automatisierung mit der Zeit verändert und wie man auf neue Anforderungen reagieren kann.
As many of you asked me for a New Features Power Workshop in English, I created this online format of the workshop. IT consists of WebEx sessions an Online Training.