I know, I know, I promised a longer blog post. But there’s some good news, and I don’t want to keep it from you.

Yesterday, Broadcom sent out a newsletter. I hope you got it, too – and if not, quickly read here how you can get on the mailing list, so you will receive the next ones as well.

The Broadcom newsletter was sent out just a few days after I’ve sent out my very own newsletter entitled “Broadcom Breaks the Silence” – I like this timing!

What’s striking about Broadcom’s newsletter is the short-notice announcement of several strategy meetings in German-speaking countries. In my eyes, this shows that Broadcom wants to make amends for the lack of communication during the last months. After all, the newsletter invited a limited amount of clients to attend three one-day strategy meetings within the next six weeks – RESPECT!

For the meeting in Vienna, you can even take a look at the agenda online.

There are some interesting points in it, like a view on the future version (yes, there is planning and carving happening). And with “Intelligent Automation and AIOps” and “Automation as Code”, some strategic points have been announced, too – so there is still a strategy for the product.

Two things I found very positive about the newsletter:

Positive observation 1: The author of the newsletter has been  Sabrina Bäcker, the same one who always wrote the newsletters from Automic – so not all contact personal have changed, there are still a few there (Sabrina definitely is not the only one).

Positive Observation 2: Both the newsletter and the agenda for Vienna are in German. I think it’s nice that Automic even now continues to communicate in German for German-speaking countries!

I’m looking forward to more positive communication like this, in the future.