
Automic Technicians Training in Vienna 2017

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:31+02:009. Februar 2017|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

At the beginning of each year, one of the best Automic events is held in Vienna: The Technicians Training. I try to be there every year – and so I was there this year, too. Together with around 80 other Automic consultants and service partners, I was there at the Hotel Renaissance. 80 participants at [...]

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V12 Features: The Service Level Manager

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:32+02:0010. Januar 2017|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

The V12 is already a few months old and I already wrote an overview about its features and more detailed articles about V12 Analytics and the Zero Downtime Upgrade. In this article, I will present to you another new feature: The Service Level  Manager and the associated Object Type SLO (Service Level Objective). Do you [...]

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A Look into the AE Crystal Ball

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:32+02:0029. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

2017 is coming and I am really curious about what the year will bring. And of course I am especially interested in what will happen with Automic and CA. While we don't know what the future will bring and have to wait, the Automic Engine is able to perform a look into the crystal ball [...]

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Christmas 2016: Thoughts and Reading Recommendations

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:33+02:0021. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

A very eventful year 2016 is coming to an end. I am looking forward to spending the holidays calmly and peacefully. But before I can do that, this blog article is due, in which I want to look back on the past year, as well as take a glance into the future, on what will be [...]

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V12 Zero Downtime Upgrade: An Experience Report

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:33+02:0015. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

In my last articles, I‘ve been talking a lot about current events. This week I want to talk about a technical topic again: I am running the V12 Zero Downtime Upgrades (ZDU) on a test system and report on my experiences. Refer to the Automic documentation for instructions on how to do this. The online [...]

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This was Automic Live 2016

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:36+02:006. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

I love to visit Automic Conferences! You always meet interesting people, can talk, listen to the latest information from Automic and get to know customer use cases. 2016 had a lot of conferences for me: In January, the Technicians Training took place in Vienna. It was a one-week workshop exclusively for technical Automic employees and partners. [...]

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Nach der Übernahme: Gedanken über die Zukunft von Automic

Von |2019-04-10T19:22:00+02:003. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog, AutomicBlog|

Bis zum 1. Dezember waren die Fronten klar: Automic und CA waren Konkurrenten im Bereich der Workload Automation und Release Automation. CA ist die stärkere Marke mit dem breiteren Portfolio, Automic bietet dafür mehr Funktionalität, bessere Integrationsmöglichkeiten und ein vereinheitlichtes User Interface. Automic dominiert den europäischen und vor allem den deutschsprachigen Raum, CA ist [...]

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After the Acquisition: Thoughts about the Future of Automic

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:36+02:003. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

Until December 1, the fronts were clear: Automic and CA were competitors in the area of workload automation and release automation. CA is the stronger brand with the broader portfolio, Automic offers more functionality, better integration possibilities and a unified user interface. Automic dominates the European and, above all, the German-speaking world, CA is [...]

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Breaking News: CA is buying Automic!

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:36+02:001. Dezember 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog|

This article contains my first reaction to the News. You can find further information about the purchase and my thoughts about it in my newer article After the Acquisition: Thoughts about the Future of Automic. Since June, there have been rumors that the equity company EQT Automic could sell. Reuters mentioned this at the time in [...]

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Video Blog: AE Object Type JOBS.GENERIC

Von |2022-06-30T13:07:37+02:0022. November 2016|Kategorien: AutomicBlog, Video-Blog|

It's Youtube time, again. I've got the next video of my series "Features of the V11" ready. This is the 4th video in this series. If you have missed the presentations of the other nice V11 features, here is an overview of all the videos. Of course, you can also watch them on my Youtube Channel. So, [...]

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